But here's where free things get complicated: the possibility of failure can be large.
And I am, in fact, prone to failure. And tripping. And getting tears in every single pair of stockings ever. And dropping my glasses.
But besides that, mostly I'm prone to failure. I have a bad sense of timing, I have horrible luck with cars (hit a house, got one incinerated, my new car just stops running every couple of months for some reason), and I'm easily distracted.
But I'm convinced that I am a winner, and win at everything, so I forget all these things. Often. Because I'm awesome.
(PS, I'm using this graphic all the time)
So of course when our roommate told us that she had a buttload (literally a buttload, like 12) free passes to see The Fantastic Mr. Fox last night, I was sure we had this ON LOCK DOWN. I was stoked! Roald Dahl + George Clooney X FREE = FANTASTIC LOOKING MOVIE.
But of course that's not how it worked. The movie started at 7, they started letting people in at 5:45, we arrived at 6:15, and already we're not allowed entry.

So instead we went to dinner.
And payed for it.
Because while we're desperate, we are also hungry, and sometimes that overshadows our desperation.
Thus why we are losers.
Classic. I fucking hate those "free" movie passes. My time has a price, and having to show up an hour early to guarantee admission? I'd rather pay and show up 5 minutes into the previews.