I was at Whole Foods the other day, staring into the deli case, when the guy behind the counter says, "Hey, I see you here a lot." Found out in the middle of my free food mission, all I can think to do is say, "Yeah, I'm hungry a lot," buy something, and quickly leave.
Damn. A day of free food thwarted! Also, a sign that I need to find a new grocery store.
I like food. And I like free. And any instance where the two combine is pure magic. If you're not already familiar with it, let me introduce you to the free sample. It comes in all shapes and sizes, all flavors and colors, and if you're really strapped for cash and just not interested in another dinner of microwave popcorn, it really hits the spot.
But I'm not talking about Costco free samples (first of all, you have to pay to shop there). I'm talking a classier sample. A sample that has not been sitting on a tray getting soggy or stale for hours. Often an all-natural, organic sample. But here's where you have to be bold - to get these samples, you just need to ask for food. "Can I try this salad? Can I have a slice of cheese? Would you cut this orange open for me?" And THEN, you have to walk away, even though they're staring expectantly at you. With some practice, this is a skill you too can master.
And you can get a sample of almost anything; stare hard enough at the seafood counter, and suddenly you're eating a smoked salmon fillet. Pretend you don't know what a mango is, and the produce guy has one cut-up for you. Free and nutritious.
I suggest stores like Whole Foods and the PCC or anything local for real success; one, it's usually better quality. Two, because their prices are so high they're really interested in pushing the food on you. Please, by alllllllll means.