One of my secrets that isn't that much of a secret is my white-trash style love for the greatest rock band of all time, KISS.

I've been listening to them since high school. Friends of mine (one being a co-blogger) still tell stories about hearing me coming to pick them up from blocks away, KISS blasting in my stereo. Ah, memories.
WELL I GOT TO SEE THEM FOR FREE. And now I can die happy.
And you could've seen them for 79 cents, and that is less than a soda, so I feel like this is something everyone should know about.
USE YOUR RESOURCES. I was given this opportunity for being an employee at the Seattle Center. Make sure to always step up to the plate when there are free tickets, free food, or free insurance at your office. Its good for your health and good for your ability to GET DOWN!
Gene Simmons is insisting that you must rock out with your appropriate genitalia out.Because of hook-ups through work I've been able to see the ballet for free, I've gone to plays for free, I could've gone to the Seattle Home Show for free but I'm not currently thinking about remodelling my kitchen so I let someone else grab those. Not to mention the 5 pounds I've gained due to the ridiculous amounts of baked goods this office offers. Dear sweet jesus its bad for me, but so delicious.
On top of that, some employers offer discount programs through the internet. The one my company offers me lets me get $5 movie tickets, provided I purchase them on a credit card and through the internet. But that's so much cheaper than the movies anymore!

And, I knooooow, its not actually KISS. Ace Frehley and Peter Criss have been gone for awhile, and I guess Peter Criss has been battling breast cancer which is ridiculous, and now they have some faux-Ace guy and some faux-Peter guy, which sucks but they both rock so I guess that's okay. Honestly, after telling you about my love for KISS, I feel safe telling you that were it not for the freeness of the ticket I would not have attended. I love Ace. I love Peter. I love original KISS.
But I also like doing shit. Fo' FREE. Just like you do. Especially when it involves Gene Simmons spitting blood and flying up to the top of the lights. And Paul Stanley. And his nipples.