It goes in the same vein as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Black History Month - you spend an entire month acutely aware of your own, personal poverty. How do you celebrate this? By spending NO MONEY AT ALL on ANYTHING except gas. But you avoid that by taking the bus. But sometimes you have to drive your car somewhere so there's really no way around gas.
I found this nut on the ground. Scavenged it. For Poverty Month.
Live out of your pantry. Make your own meals. Stay home and read all those books you got for Christmas instead of going out to eat and seeing a movie. Wash your sheets because DID YOU KNOW SEATTLE'S HAVING A BED BUG EPIDEMIC? Gross. And bed bugs strike the poor so you all know I'm screwed.
I found this nut on the ground. Scavenged it. For Poverty Month.
So welcome to Poverty January, the month that always follows Christmas. Join me as I try to fight debt, pay bills, and get back on track for the New Year.
Let me know if you're participating. We can trade recipes for rice and canned green beans.